Insider Info About HVAC from Houston's Local Experts
We believe in educating consumers about all of their options and allowing them to make an informed decision, so we are here to share some HVAC industry secrets. Ruud’s line of air conditioning, heating, and water heating products are distributed in the Houston area exclusively by Century A/C Supply. Century A/C Supply is a Houston-based, privately-owned wholesale distributor with 13 locations throughout the Houston metropolitan area. Why does this matter to you? We are able to provide our contractors with better support, more product availability, and less bureaucracy than a factory-owned or publicly-owned company, which means they are able to take better care of you, the homeowner.
The HVAC industry typically has a 4-step distribution model: manufacturers (Ruud), wholesale distributors (Century A/ C Supply), contractors (like Ruud ProPartners), and end users, either homeowners or business owners. For some companies, the service they can provide to their customers is limited by the support they get from their partners, which is why many Ruud contractors choose to partner with Century A/ C and Ruud. Another reason Ruud is a favored choice among contractors is due to their industry-leading technology that allows homeowners to enjoy maximum comfort and minimal energy bills, even during Houston’s hot summers. The Ultra Series products use inverter driven technology that allows your system to deliver the precise amount of cooling or heating needed without consuming more energy than necessary! Visit our website to learn more about Ruud's line of reliable, quality air conditioning and heating equipment.
Ruud also offers a complete line of indoor air quality solutions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities like Houston. While you can’t control the pollution outside, you can do something about your air at home. Products like UV lights, Electronic Air Cleaners (EAC), and media filters are designed to remove odors, pet hair, and pollutants that irritate allergy sufferers.